Bartender rated as Best Barcode Software

Posted by on Jan 25, 2013

Independent Review Website Declares BarTender as the "Best Barcode Software"

TopTenReviews rated BarTender the best of 10 software packages.

TopTenREVIEWS, a well-known web-site dedicated to independent reviews of numerous products, has formally named BarTender the world's "Best Professional Barcode Software" in its 2013 review of barcode software products. 

TopTenREVIEWS installed and compared 10 competing software packages and analyzed 43 different features and capabilities in each package. In the end, they gave BarTender their "Gold" award as the #1 product.

TopTenREVIEWS' comments about BarTender included:

BarTender Professional is the best barcode maker software with smooth design tools, connectivity and ample features to help you design and generate professional barcode labels.

BarTender Professional rises to the top of the pack because of its modern interface and tools to enhance efficiency and productivity.

BarTender Professional is the complete package to design and generate barcode labels, QR codes and RFID tags.

It's a standout product and earns our TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award.

(TopTenREVIEWS' analysis was of "professional barcode software." BarTender is actually available in four separate editions: Basic, Professional, Automation and Enterprise Automation. Both Automation editions include all features found in "Professional.")

"A lot of people have worked very hard to give BarTender the features our customers need and to then test the software incredibly well before we ship it," said Jeremy Seigel, CEO of Seagull Scientific. 

"Honestly, thousands of resellers and hundreds of thousands of users have for years already considered BarTender to be the best barcode and label software available. Now, it's incredibly rewarding to have an independent review site such as TopTenREVIEWS perform such a thorough analysis and come to the same conclusion: BarTender is simply the best."